Thursday 7 February 2013


Limitless can be viewed as both typical and atypical to the codes and conventions of the Sci-fi genre,  the setting can be view as atypical to the codes and conventions of the Sci-fi genre at it is set during the present this is atypical to the codes of the genre which in generally are set in either the future or some times even the past , however the use of a futuristic drug (NZT) gives the movie it's sci-fi feel and appeal . You can also say that as a movie Limitless represent certain ideology and beliefs this is typical of a sci-fi movies and also sci-fi books to some extent i.e 1984 by George Orwell.  I feel that  the drug scenes will be useful for our opening  and the effect the drugs has to the lighting and music will help inform us when we shot similar scenes of our own . for example the lighting while the main character is off the drugs is  is very dull this in someway shows the effect of the drug. The whole idea of the drug in the movie is that as human beings we only use 20% of are brain but this drug allows us to access the rest of it. this as I have already given reference to this being  show by lighting while the main protagonist is off the drug the lighting is much darker this i feel is in reference to the idea of using only 20% of our brain  but when the protagonist the lighting is much brighter and vibrant this could be linked to the enlightenment which comes with the drug in the movie.  the effect of the drug is also shown using a motion control set up where the camera does multiple pass of the same scene but the character doing different actions. allows us to see the effect of the drug.

It is very hard to given an accurate target audience. However I feel  the target audience for Limitless you  would assume to be young people age perhaps 16 to later 20's, this would be normal  this would be  typical for a movie of this genre . you could say this is reinforced the the use of bradley cooper in the film he appeals to this age bracket and also  would attract   people to the movie who perhaps wouldn't normal watch Sci-fi movies .  Also the use of Robert De Niro would attract  an older audience to the movie due to his notoriety as an actor this again would bring people to the film who would be atypical of the normal Sci-fi audience. In conclusion while I would say the target audience would be around 16 to later 20's . the inclusion of Bradley Cooper and De Niro would help attract people from beyond the target audience.

Limitless it self it distributed by a company called relativity media which doesn't seem to specialise in one  genre it movies seem to stretch across many genres from comedy to action to western however that is not to say it has not produce and distributed sci-fi movies.

This movie seems to represent most if not all social groups at some part on the film. The representation of the difference between upper class and working class is very evident throughout the movie . in fact the story of the main protagonist charts his rise through these social classes from a failed poor writer to a wealth business man you could say the rich in this movie are viewed in a negative way they all seem to have this opposing character and a real almost arrogant  of self-importance.However neither are portrayed in a positive light. the movie also seeks to represent a wide range of ethnicity's throughout the movie. it is interesting the most immigrants in the movie are viewed in the negative criminal light   this is evident through the character Gennady who is an east european loan shark, it is interesting that no one of an ethics apart from white americans seem to have most of the power throughout the movie.  Overall however the most present group throughout the movie are typical americans.I feel this would relate to the target audience as the movie seem to have a more american target audience however that is not to say the film has not done well else were in the uk allow it grossed over 2 million in it first week .The movie is helped i feel by this  obsession people seem to have with american culture and with american films and music.     

i feel the audience for this type of movie the expect a lot of action and fighting put also audience in this genre i feel want a engaging protagonist this evident throughout movies of this genre . i believe limitless  definitely has a likeable and engaging protagonist in bradley cooper . another thing audiences would expect for these types of movies is a engaging plot to the film the plot is important for giving the movie is sic-fi feel and appeal . while you could say this movie in more of a thriller . the use of futuristic drugs give the movie it's sci-fi aspect       



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