Thursday 7 February 2013

the fountain

The fountain is a very difficult one to get any real grasp on it can be viewed as both atypical and typical of the codes and conventions of the sci-fi while it does  have some futuristic scene the movie jumps between three time periods and  at three different stories which intersect towards the ending to fully a very engaging narrative  . once again this is a movie with reference futuristic drugs in this case part of the tree of life . this  is sort of the back ground for the movie. as a have said the movie spreads over three time periods in interesting to see how lighting and sound change throughout these periods of time .  we can see the change in lighting in the picture along side this text. the last  is darker and has a much more eerie feel this maybe to represent this is fading for memory . as these scene are dreams of the main protagonist perhaps this show how long ago this part of the story is, this is also done through mise en scene, costume becomes very important to
                                                                                  section of the movie . as we see the lighting gets progressively bright as the as time pass with the scene set in the future . this could also inform the stories the movie is about a man who trying to find a way to re reunited with his dead wife. but has eat from the tree of light and is trying to find a way to die. while the other story is about a  conquistador who is trying save his queen. the story of the conquistador fails but the story of the the other man succeeds perhaps the lighting reflects that, transition are used very well in this movie to show a passing of time i feel the use of transition in the movie will inform our movie as they are used  very effectively during this movie.

 the target audience for this movie is very hard to but a specific answer while the Sci-fi aspect of the film will appeal to a sci-fi audience . this is also a romance movie which gives it a appeal to  a different audience i feel the target audience is man and women and between 15 and 29. the male audience I feel will be attract be the sci-fi aspect while the female audience will be attract be the romance stories of the movie. also the movie is direct by Darren Aronofsky so the movie many attract fans of his other movies.

This movie itself is distribute by Warner Bros. this seem to be a common factor in this genre . due to the special effect in these types of movie is is important that the movie is back by a company such as Warner.Bros as it has all the equipment that is needed for this type of film. 

The movies represents social groups quite well . it is positive in these perceptions of race and gender . in the movie . male and female are on a equal level and have a mutal respect for each other in fact the women in the seem to have more control as they are either in higher positions. as well as that people of different races seem to be on a equal and fair playing field no one is better than anyone. this relates to the Target audience due to the fact the target audience is quite young these ideas of equality would be shared by most to the target audience.

I feel the audience expectations of this movie would be that it has an engaging and enjoyable story and narrative  ,  i think the audience would also want  engaging Characters on top of this I think the it is important to the the audience that the characters are identifiable with it is important that the audience can identify with the emotions and feelings of the two character.I also feel the audience you expect the three stories to merge well meaning that no loose ends are left      


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