Thursday 18 October 2012


How do you consume ( enjoy,listen to,buy,download , concerts,mech ) in the 21st century ?.What are your attitudes to paying vs downloading ? . physical mp3 legal 

today I consume music in a number of ways,most notable however I would use the internet due to the vast amounts of music now available on the internet online music is a growing music highlight by website such as spotify and grooveshark .also many bands are now YouTube partners meaning they get money through ad on videos   . this alone represent a  significant change to the music industry . however despite this choice of music online . I still pay a lot of money to go to gigs because i love the atmospheres at gigs i just think they are amazing, sure at home you can relax and understand the music but at a concert you mosh and jump about and lock arms with complete strangers . this concert experience can't be found sitting at home to go to a gig and see have the people there in bands mech is a brilliant sight, and also highlights there is still money to be made at concerts.

When it comes to the whole debate about paying vs downloading I have to say i sit firmly in the middle. I don't feel strongly about either . i must admit however i do lie to actually own the cd but i don't want to spend 10 pounds for the privilege of it.. Which is why i would say in the music i own there is a 70/30 split between downloading and brought , this is also due to the lack of variety in stores like HMV which forces me to download more .

 I fell as well that music companies are paying now from the greed they showed in the past . they over priced Cd's when it was the only really way to get music but now are struggling due to the emergence of online downloading. this is reinforced by the number of music sharing sites on the internet today . the other debate is between legal and illegal downloading again however it comes down to money why pay on iTunes when it's free somewhere else this is why I think more I  feel a number of musicians now put music on YouTube they know it will be download but they make more of people going to their channels to get the songs also it a brilliant way to gain more fans if your music is available meaning more people like it and people I think are more likely to spend money on bands they like . this trend i think can be highlight by bands like soja who put a lot of their early music in YouTube which leads to a starting of their fan base they also did the first ten years without a label ,showing the power of the internet   

In conclusion they are numerous way to consume and enjoy music but it's about finding which ways suit you .  

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