Thursday 7 February 2013

The Matrix

In terms of mise en scene matrix is typical of the the codes and conventions of the sci- fi  genre when we think of the mise en scene of the type of movies we think of things like virtual worlds, gadgets furtistic items. this movie seems to have all the thing. also the set design in this movie is very important for creating not only the sci-fi feel on the novel take for example  the set design  in the first screenshot below the wall says "Mobil ave" this is not done by chance this is a very deliberates choice of name as " Mobil ave" is     an anagram of limbo.  the set design  is very dilberatly set up  like that to convey this idea that Neo one of the protagonist is trapped here between the two worlds
it  can also be noted the everything is painted white which represent this idea perhaps of purity being linked to limbo. it is interesting the the lighting in both the clips is very dark and eerie feels this set up a much darker sci-fi. i also feel the use of of alice and wonderland are very interesting and also are engaging to an audience  "I imagine that right now, you're feeling a bit like Alice. Hmm? Tumbling down the rabbit hole?"  you stay in wonderland and i show you how deep the hole goes".  i feel it is a interesting use of something  with such an appeal as Alice in wonderland to give depth and some understanding to the movie.  i feel  we could include something simlar to this in our films perhaps in a more subtle like maybe like a dvd of Alice in wonderland used as part of the set design.

The Matrix is a film which appeals to both male and female audiences, however it mainly targets males. The target audience would  be around  15-25 years however it seems to lean more towards the the former i feel this due to its heavy action scenes which would attract a much younger crowd.i Feel this would be the many core  of it's audience . i don;t feel the more real appeals to women or older person due to the lack of a subtle character would would appeal to the groups in society however the matrix has a big enough audience from what would of being it target audience. that it doesn't really need to worry about attracting other groups in society.


Well the matrix itself is distributed by  Warner Bros. this seems to be a recurring distributed through out these films as both I am legend as well as the fountain are distribute by Warner Bros as do other movie in the Sci-fi genre. This I feel is because of the resources a group as big would have at it's    

 i feel that Social groups are represented  quite well in this film and this is quite evident throughout.
I feel

I feel the audience for this type of movie expected a lot of action things the gun fight chase scene  and martial arts which are all things found in the movie ultimately i feel the target audience for such a what something engaging but also thrilling to watch they want this also edge of you set type mentality with this type of film and ultimately  i feel the movie delivers on the front it  presents an engaging, thriller story and overall film which definitely meets the expectation for these films.      

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