Sunday 17 November 2013


 Pearl jam



Alice in chain

The smashing pumpkins

Stone temple pilots

Jane's addiction


Blind melon

rock bands

Red hot chilli peppers
The smashing pumpkins
The white stripes
Bloc party
Queens of the stone age
The cure
The smiths
Arctic monkeys
Jimmy eats world
Foo Fighters
The strokes
The raconteur
Biffy clyro
Manchester orchestra
Thin Lizzy
Led Zeppelin


Band survey

Music survey

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Punk bands

Stiff little fingers
the damned
sex pistols
the clash
the bank robbers
black flag
the dead kennedy's
minor threat
the exploited
the stooges

sham 69

Pop-punk artist

Fall out boy

bowling for soup
good charlotte
New found glory
Simple plan
Sum 41
Blink -182
The all american rejects
Green day

The offspring

punk introduction

Punk started as a very working class music, most of the bands came from this background, punk is know for it's D.I.Y attitude, fast paced song's short songs and it's often political message, As i've stated punk started of very working class but as the genre grew and time passed it became more present in all classes I feel this was due to the nature of the music. Punk has actually been a very influentially genre inspiring early grunge and  third wave ska. Despite what many would think punk actually has got quite a large audience in the 31 to 45 age group this is largely due to the fact the people  who listened to punk in the 70 and 80's adapting the 'punk till I die' attitude as well as this punk in it's many sub-genres  is very strong in younger generations,

 I feel this will be are target audience for the band  due to the appeal of the band, the locations of are audience would be the UK and the US despite in early years america being known for notoriously difficult for bands to get a foot hold in this is not the case anymore and america would now actually become  a significant market, the Band we are focusing on are called City car chase  would fit into a number of the genres, punk being one of them but all these others genres have drawn inspiration for punk so it seemed like a naturally starting point to been with, when thinking about an audience it is also important to look at the disposable income of the target market punk has develop much over the years with the ethic of D.I.Y has been some what abandoned, This is due to the fact the amount of disposable income in this market  has increased greatly over the years to a point when the amount would be similar to most other genres which makes this a viable market for the band we have chosen to use


Fashion has it's place in the punk it was seen as self expression meaning that people decide of how they dressed but how they felt and really dressed the way they want, early Punk fashion was inspired by many different groups. Rude-boys, mods and greaser and many other groups inspired the early punk however as they was no set dress-coded all early punk bands looked different, this in support  the following photos which show some of the early band on the punk

 scene as you can see they all look different and draw influences for  different place  with each inspired by different movements that came before them while the Ramones have a greaser look, stiff littler fingers seem to dress more similarity to some rock musicians of the time these dress choices can be traced back to the the musical influences of the bands.While as i've stated punk start out with no set dress code studded-leather jackets skinny jeans and safety pin became a staple of any punks wardrobe, excess and over the top haircuts became the norm for punk but again in the 80's it underwent another evolution many adopt the skinhead look which considered of fred perry shirt's braces and doc martins but is must be mentioned not all punk adapted the skinhead look some people put it down to the fact they disagrees with the skinheads political with many being link to the national, front many punk disagree with this or simple didn't care thus keeping the punk look alive, In the nineties and the 00's it again shifted due to the rise of pop-punk. the fashion then became jeans and hoodies and brighter colours also became more present in the period.

This is some what of an overview to early influences, we have looked at most aspects of early punk through to pop-punk and have tried to put the band in a box but the problem is that and it's sub-genres are so diverse and cover so many artist that is it is hard do simple put them in a box and say they are one style or another it makes for challenges in marketing the band and in going forward i think is it important that we place them in the correct genre/sub-genre to maximise sale and to ensure we have a audience built up of our target market this area of a researching and planning that we must be very careful about there is a real need for cohesion throughout this important stage in our music video if we fail with planning then we could ended up with a music video that doesn't suit the video and thus doesn't engage the audience in the way we would hope for. One thing i believe we should look in our music video is the use of live performance punk and it's many sub-genre typical don't have narrative music video but rely more on performance and in some case humour .

Friday 10 May 2013

Final Video


preliminary coursework


Elysium(short pause) the latest drug craze to grip the world first - it was magic mushrooms, then coke, then heroin and now elysium, it's - well it's - different, take it in small doses and it's fine, cures all diseases or so they say.

Take a medium dose and that's when the side effects kick in - you begin to have incredibly vivid hallucinations of a scenic,peaceful  forest and tranquil landscapes. the ultimate high some user call it.

Take a large dose and these hallucinations take a turn for the worse you- you return to the same forest but it's completely distorted, it's horrible and eerie it scares you stiff and drives you insane. It's full of disgusting wretched creatures that chase and relentless hunt you down.

The truman show

The Truman show can be viewed as both typical and atypical to the codes and conventions of the Sci-fi genre,  the setting can be view as atypical to the codes and conventions of the Sci-fi genre at it is set during the present this is atypical to the codes of the genre which in generally are set in either the future or some times even the past , however the  fact the movie is centred around a tv show where the main character is unaware that his entire live has been a a illusion a complete lie this  gives the movie it's sci-fi feel and appeal . You can also say that as a movie The Truman Show  represent certain ideology and beliefs this is typical of a sci-fi movies and also sci-fi books to some extent i.e 1984 by George Orwell which is based around the idea of being controlled by a higher power much like truman

It is very hard to given an accurate target audience. However I feel  the target audience for TTS you  would assume to be young people age perhaps 14 to later 20's, this would be normal  this would be  typical for a movie of this genre . you could say this is reinforced the the use of Jim carrey in the film he appeals to this age bracket and also  would attract   people to the movie who perhaps wouldn't normal watch Sci-fi movies .  Also the fusion of comedy and romance  would attract  an  audience to the movie who normal wouldn't watch this also this injection of humour subdues a lot of the points of the movie but doesn,t effect anyway to the degree that the point of the movie is lost   bring people to the film who would be atypical of the normal Sci-fi audience. In conclusion while I would say the target audience would be around 14 to later 20's

Well TTS itself is distributed by  paramount pictures. this seems to be a  quite an order distributor because through my other research it is a name that normal came up i think this reflect the idea that this is much more that a sci-fi movie  but you can see why they used this company they didn;t wanted it to be viewed purely as a sci-fi they want it to viewed for the sum of all it's part and not just one also  I feel it's because of the resources a group as big would have at it's disposal.

 i feel that Social groups are represented  quite well in this film and this is quite evident throughout.but i would also is creates this idea of the prefect suburban neighbourhood and is a large sense town it is quite idealistic in how it views people,everyone in the show is kind and friendly this can be juxtaposed with the real world who watch a man live a complete lie for their entertainment it show this idealistic world and reality and i think this is quite a interesting contrast  

I feel the audience expectations of this movie would be that it has an engaging and enjoyable story and narrative also a good use of humour is key in the success of this movie also   ,  i think the audience would also want  engaging Characters. in addition the movie present a very interest idea and premise  and I believe would want to see this carried out well

Monolouge 2

Elysium(short pause) the new  drug craze to grip the world first - it was magic mushrooms, then coke, then heroin and now elysium, it's - well it's - different ( short pause) No one really  knows where it came from it  just started  popping up all the places - huh who knows and who really cares if it's cheap and effective  that's good enough  for me and clearly for a lot of other people.

Yes it's only hallucinations but-my god, they are vivid. Why do it then you say-well ask an addict why they take drugs or why an alcoholics drink  (long pause) it helps you forget, but more than that it's because, I-us-we... we (short pause) can't stop!

Mise en Scene


Clothes - Red/White Baseball shirt. the shirt in the bedroom scene is a bit grimy and dirty, also in the limbo scene we thought the idea of the red standing out would be good similar to the effect used in sin city, we feels it adds a vibrance and is really effective at portraying and empathising that this is indeed limbo.

            - Black trousers

             - Trainers (Converse)- again the shoes are scruffy and dirty because after all they do belong to an addict this again empathises the effect and strength of the drug. 

Location: - Park

               - The Bathroom is very typical  clothes are piled on the floor and there is a mirror above the sink the room unlike the bedroom, is  well lit therefore allowing the viewer to truly see the effect of the drug this is important for setting the rest of the story.

   The Bedroom is cluttered and disorganised, dvd's and other relative things litter the floor .the walls are covered in poster and the room is dimly light create a sense of foreboding  and eeriness.

Props - Drugs- We think as a group that we will uses liquid tablets because we think that they look much more interesting than normal tablets.

Plot idea 2

the film tells the story of Dante Williams

Dante is a normal kid with one major difference he is addicted to a futuristic drug called elysium used in  small dose the drugs only gives the user a high but if the user beginnings abusing the drugs it can leads to horrible hallucinations and a distortion between reality and the hallucinations. These hallucinations  are know as the warming signs to limbo.  this   has been give the name limbo due to the fact that eventually the user fall in to a coma and those who have woke have spoke of how they had to escape from limbo or they were told they would be trapped there for ever  there is also one major side effect about the drug it is highly addictive meaning the eventually all its user including Dante will  fall in to a coma  and 'will like Alice trouble down the rabbit's hole' in to limbo.

dialogue (for Preliminary)

Al 1-killer

deadly premonition

the first character is standing in the elevator, the music of the elevator grows loud ,it plays a fast  samba beat   the man stands calmly, he is whistling along with the music playing.  the man is smartly dressed . the man is wearing   a smart suit with a red tie to symbolise the blood which has been spilt . (he also is wearing a long dark trench coat which is open in the front allowing us to see the tie.) The camera zooms to the right sided face we see he has not shaved in a while.voices can be heard over the scene "hutch de marcos that the guy you want now ples- please let me go" and then a single gunshot is heard and the focus  returns to the man in the elevator the man face goes from the grinning smile to a look of despair as he replays the  previous acts in his head . as the next scene is a memory the colour seems over emphasized and less real 

Next scene 

we see two men sitting across from each other in a small room . The room is dimly lit and only catches the silhouette of both man this adds to the effect of the memory . the victim at first seems lively and care free but as the scene  progress  a  sense of despair reaches across the man . the man from the elevator seems tense and uncomfortable with the situation but he has a sense of purpose around him.

Al; I hear your a  man who can make people - (nervously)  disappear ?
Hutch; maybe i am who askin'?
Al; my name is alan i'm -ugh- i'm a friend of your associate  little tony
Hutch; Tony that man is a dirty pig
Al; Regardless i'm here now
Hutch : is that so ? hold on let my pour myself a drink

Hutch walks to a small table and the edge of the room and pours himself a drink 

ohh were are my manners would you like a drink ? grinning widely.

Al; uhm - yes thank you

Hutch: so how do you know tony ?
Al;Old friends. ( a distant gun shot is heard to indicate tony was the voice heard in the elevator) 
Hutch; is that so .( with a sense of uncertain )
- you ain't a cop are you ? .
Al; (defensively) No i ain't why ?
Hutch; got that  look of a cop all dressed up in some cheap suit  with no where to go
Al; well i ain't no cop
Hutch shrugs his shoulder in a look on complacent 
Hutch; can't be too sure theses days screws are clamping down hard trying win the streets
Al; you think they won't
(laughing to himself) more chance of me win the presidential election.
( al   joins by giving a unconvincing laugh ) 

Hutch; (slapping his hands together and rubbing them ) to business
Al; yes thank you .
Hutch: so who is it you need whacked ?
( the scene flash forward briefly to show al hold a gun)
Al; killied? (puzzlingly)
Hutch: (rudly) yes
Al; Hutch do marcos
( the grin has wiped from hutch's face)
Hutch; is this some bloody joke who the hell do you think you are get the hell out here before I kill ya - go NOW !.
Al; ( we sense that al is taking control in the scene) you don't know who i am do you , you don't even remember.
Hutch: remember what ? you goon
Al; My brother You killed my brother James of course you don't remember , why  would you he was an other forgettable faces , another pay day . But he was my brother . let my remind you it was almost two years ago my brother had just left my house when you walk up and shot him at point blank range . he didn't stand a chance of living - and neither do you !

Al jumps from the table and pull the gun from his side as he pulls the gun the glass of whiskey is hit of  the floor and  the camera cuts away to the glass falling as the begins to fall we hear the shots and by the time   hits the floor the gunshots have stopped .

 the scene fades back  with Al standing over the body the  then scene returns to the elevator and zooms out for his face as it zooms out we see the shirts he is wearing is completely cover in blood and specales of blood cover the left side of his face the elevator gradually grinds to a halt and the Al steps out he takes the gun from his pocket wipes it and drops the gun in a nearby trash can, the screen fades to darkness and the titles begin to roll. 


Thursday 21 February 2013

Plot Idea 1

the film tells the story of Dante Williams

the film is set around 2018 . A new  drug called Elysium  is causing epidemic around the world, the drug is know to cause vivid hallucinations, the substance is also highly addictive and it slowly kills it user . one of the indications that someone is taking elysium is that  their eyes become blood shot and when close to death the users have been known to actually bleed from their eyes, The movie follows a addict called Dante, the movie deals with his addiction but also with his hallucinations caused by the drugs. In Dante's hallucinations we see the effect of the drug on his mind. He hallucinates that he is in a forest inhabited by horrible creatures who represent the problems in his life during these hallucinations he is also haunted by his loved ones begging him to help them, because the hallucinations are so vivid  he believes that his vision are real. He begins to call this place limbo believing that his loved ones are trapped here waiting to go to heaven, however  As the creatures represent problems Dante believes he has to kill his loved ones Problems in order for them to gain passage to heaven. The movie follows Dante attempts to save his love ones but  the effect of the drugs always run off before he can save them, because of this Dante begins to up the dose so he has long to spend more time in limbo trying to save them . the movie also follows the effect of the drug on this real life he is so concerned about these hallucinations he lose his job and even forget to eat so he is slowly starving himself. to make matters worse he has began to cry blood an indication that he is close to death because of this dante begins to plan to take a  lethal dose of the drug  in a final attempt to save his loved ones. During this last attempt to save his loved ones  he manages to save them at least in this mind he has saved them, but as we see him saving he loved ones in limbo this is a graphic match and we see Dante dying in real life.

: His apartment; The design of his apartment  especially his  room it is litter with  reference to similar ideas such as an alice in wonderland , The divine comedy or also books like 1984  and also a poster for DMC these are just some on the things other ideas are a computer that the matrix code flash up on a the screen. or even more subtle hints like a can of virility a Drink from DMC. from a window in his apartment two billboards can be seen one advertising The Soylent Corporation  and the other promoting a rehab centre claiming to cure addiction to Elysium   

Limbo: I feel that the feel of limbo is very important for the overall success of a movie of this type. if you look at the pictures below we see different examples of how this can be done I personal like the lighting in the first picture but i feel the second photo looks much more menacing and imposing add would fit the feel of limbo much better


Music : Autopilot-Queens of the stone-age- I feel this music would be good for the scene in limbo as i feel it would set the tone of the scene as it has a very discentive lead guitar which i feel would add to the feel created by limbo  especially in the fight scenes.

Gonna see my friend-Pearl jam

Pool shark-Sublime- I feel this song would fit very well with the final attempt scene the song was wrote by Brad Nowell and in this song he is talking about his heroin addictions and how he knows it will kill him but he just can't stop taking it it a sad story and the lyric seem appropriate for the scene  "take it away but i want more,and more, one day i'm gonna lose the war".

Chop Suey-System of a down

Thursday 7 February 2013

the fountain

The fountain is a very difficult one to get any real grasp on it can be viewed as both atypical and typical of the codes and conventions of the sci-fi while it does  have some futuristic scene the movie jumps between three time periods and  at three different stories which intersect towards the ending to fully a very engaging narrative  . once again this is a movie with reference futuristic drugs in this case part of the tree of life . this  is sort of the back ground for the movie. as a have said the movie spreads over three time periods in interesting to see how lighting and sound change throughout these periods of time .  we can see the change in lighting in the picture along side this text. the last  is darker and has a much more eerie feel this maybe to represent this is fading for memory . as these scene are dreams of the main protagonist perhaps this show how long ago this part of the story is, this is also done through mise en scene, costume becomes very important to
                                                                                  section of the movie . as we see the lighting gets progressively bright as the as time pass with the scene set in the future . this could also inform the stories the movie is about a man who trying to find a way to re reunited with his dead wife. but has eat from the tree of light and is trying to find a way to die. while the other story is about a  conquistador who is trying save his queen. the story of the conquistador fails but the story of the the other man succeeds perhaps the lighting reflects that, transition are used very well in this movie to show a passing of time i feel the use of transition in the movie will inform our movie as they are used  very effectively during this movie.

 the target audience for this movie is very hard to but a specific answer while the Sci-fi aspect of the film will appeal to a sci-fi audience . this is also a romance movie which gives it a appeal to  a different audience i feel the target audience is man and women and between 15 and 29. the male audience I feel will be attract be the sci-fi aspect while the female audience will be attract be the romance stories of the movie. also the movie is direct by Darren Aronofsky so the movie many attract fans of his other movies.

This movie itself is distribute by Warner Bros. this seem to be a common factor in this genre . due to the special effect in these types of movie is is important that the movie is back by a company such as Warner.Bros as it has all the equipment that is needed for this type of film. 

The movies represents social groups quite well . it is positive in these perceptions of race and gender . in the movie . male and female are on a equal level and have a mutal respect for each other in fact the women in the seem to have more control as they are either in higher positions. as well as that people of different races seem to be on a equal and fair playing field no one is better than anyone. this relates to the Target audience due to the fact the target audience is quite young these ideas of equality would be shared by most to the target audience.

I feel the audience expectations of this movie would be that it has an engaging and enjoyable story and narrative  ,  i think the audience would also want  engaging Characters on top of this I think the it is important to the the audience that the characters are identifiable with it is important that the audience can identify with the emotions and feelings of the two character.I also feel the audience you expect the three stories to merge well meaning that no loose ends are left      


The Matrix

In terms of mise en scene matrix is typical of the the codes and conventions of the sci- fi  genre when we think of the mise en scene of the type of movies we think of things like virtual worlds, gadgets furtistic items. this movie seems to have all the thing. also the set design in this movie is very important for creating not only the sci-fi feel on the novel take for example  the set design  in the first screenshot below the wall says "Mobil ave" this is not done by chance this is a very deliberates choice of name as " Mobil ave" is     an anagram of limbo.  the set design  is very dilberatly set up  like that to convey this idea that Neo one of the protagonist is trapped here between the two worlds
it  can also be noted the everything is painted white which represent this idea perhaps of purity being linked to limbo. it is interesting the the lighting in both the clips is very dark and eerie feels this set up a much darker sci-fi. i also feel the use of of alice and wonderland are very interesting and also are engaging to an audience  "I imagine that right now, you're feeling a bit like Alice. Hmm? Tumbling down the rabbit hole?"  you stay in wonderland and i show you how deep the hole goes".  i feel it is a interesting use of something  with such an appeal as Alice in wonderland to give depth and some understanding to the movie.  i feel  we could include something simlar to this in our films perhaps in a more subtle like maybe like a dvd of Alice in wonderland used as part of the set design.

The Matrix is a film which appeals to both male and female audiences, however it mainly targets males. The target audience would  be around  15-25 years however it seems to lean more towards the the former i feel this due to its heavy action scenes which would attract a much younger crowd.i Feel this would be the many core  of it's audience . i don;t feel the more real appeals to women or older person due to the lack of a subtle character would would appeal to the groups in society however the matrix has a big enough audience from what would of being it target audience. that it doesn't really need to worry about attracting other groups in society.


Well the matrix itself is distributed by  Warner Bros. this seems to be a recurring distributed through out these films as both I am legend as well as the fountain are distribute by Warner Bros as do other movie in the Sci-fi genre. This I feel is because of the resources a group as big would have at it's    

 i feel that Social groups are represented  quite well in this film and this is quite evident throughout.
I feel

I feel the audience for this type of movie expected a lot of action things the gun fight chase scene  and martial arts which are all things found in the movie ultimately i feel the target audience for such a what something engaging but also thrilling to watch they want this also edge of you set type mentality with this type of film and ultimately  i feel the movie delivers on the front it  presents an engaging, thriller story and overall film which definitely meets the expectation for these films.      

movie idea 1

The screen opens with static of a TV, then a news report flashes on the screen " ladies and gentleman..." more static cuts the news report . After about five seconds the news report reappear " there has been a mass disaster in london please stay with us we will give you all the information as it comes in..." more static wait 5 seconds " we are now learning know that this is not an isolated act we are getting reports from all of the wor.." more static cuts the news report  wait 10 seconds " ladies and gentleman i'm not quite sure how to tell you this (short pause) but people seem to be attacking each other we are ask you to stay in doors and stay away from windows and doors ...Good luck and.."  (static for 15 seconds) then the last news report appears  on the screen it's fuzzy compare to the rest " ladies this is our last broadcast before we begin transmitting the emergency broadcast we are learning that the dead in the streets seem to be rising this is the end i suggest you spend these final hours with you loved ones good night and god bless..." static again then the emergency broadcast begins.

after about 10 seconds the emergency broadcast goes static (wait 10 seconds) suddenly there is a burst on light and we see a man looking down at a camcorder he seems very worried and tears are begining to appear at the corner of his eyes  and we hear bashing on a door and screaming " My name is Alan White I'm with a group of survivors if you find this. it is the story of  are final hours " the time at the top right hand corner says 2:30:05 the screen again goes dark for five seconds then after five seconds  " Hey look a camcorder i wonder if it works" there is a flash of light and we see Alan staring at it the time in the top right hand corners says 00:00:00  then the screen goes black and the title blends in "Survivors".