Friday 10 May 2013

Mise en Scene


Clothes - Red/White Baseball shirt. the shirt in the bedroom scene is a bit grimy and dirty, also in the limbo scene we thought the idea of the red standing out would be good similar to the effect used in sin city, we feels it adds a vibrance and is really effective at portraying and empathising that this is indeed limbo.

            - Black trousers

             - Trainers (Converse)- again the shoes are scruffy and dirty because after all they do belong to an addict this again empathises the effect and strength of the drug. 

Location: - Park

               - The Bathroom is very typical  clothes are piled on the floor and there is a mirror above the sink the room unlike the bedroom, is  well lit therefore allowing the viewer to truly see the effect of the drug this is important for setting the rest of the story.

   The Bedroom is cluttered and disorganised, dvd's and other relative things litter the floor .the walls are covered in poster and the room is dimly light create a sense of foreboding  and eeriness.

Props - Drugs- We think as a group that we will uses liquid tablets because we think that they look much more interesting than normal tablets.

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