Tuesday 16 October 2012


 available lighting- the use of only lighting  which actually exists on a location such as the sun or moon in outdoor scenes it give a scene a natural and realistic feel

artificial lighting -  it is basically the oppostite or avaiable  it is Lighting  that  is  deliberate use of to achieve a practical or aesthetic effect. Lighting includes the use of both artificial light sources  like lamps and light fixtures

key lightingThe main light on a subject. Usually placed at a 45 degree angle to the subject . In high key lighting, the key light provides all or most of the light in the scene. In low key lighting, the key light provides much less of the total light making for a much more eerie feel whereas high key creates a sense of safety .

Fill lighting -Lighting that is used to soften shadows within a scene. Used in along side   Key Lighting for more effective lighting 

back lighting - Light used to illuminate the space between characters and their backgrounds allo the background to empathize distance from the the character on screen.   

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