Sunday 16 September 2012

why editing is so important ?

editing is important as it is one if the main factors in if a show will become popular. that is one of the reason i think it is important meaning if a show is poorly put together meaning poor choice of shot it is not pleasing to watch also editing is very important and displaying moods in the scene it

transition of image and sound

The transition of image is simple the merging of  scenes using a variety of cuts .  Most films will also include selective use of other transitions, usually to convey a tone or mood, suggest the passage of time, or separate parts of the story for example during a chase scene instead of just having a long shot the whole time taking differnent angles and editing the chase can make it far more exciting and enjoyable to watch thus hold the attention of the audience

The transition of sounds is used in a simlar way to the transition of image .Meaning it is very effective a convey a tone or mood . in some ways music is a much clear way of expressing emotions and the tone. there are a lot of facial expression that can be used to indicate an emotion but a sound is much clear and to the point it helps create a sense of attachment ot the character. sound is also great and setting and keeping tension

Friday 14 September 2012

Focus Pull

A focus pull changes the focus of the shot from the foreground to the background or visa versa . to reveal a perviously blurred or unclear image

it this scene the focus is pulled to reveal a gun is being point at the character this creates a sense of tension and uncertain the bluriness  also helps create a sense of shock with the audiences  


A zoom creates a sense of isolation and also gives a more insightful look in to how a character reacts to a particular incident of scene during a scene . the zoom is the best at expressing emotions and adds a personal feel and empathy towards the character

The zoom is used is used to give a personal fell to  scene and also helps express detail which couldn't be expressed by another   we can see the character is wearing is wearing a sheriffs badge . the clock is also  at noon  in western typically duels are held at this point.this indicates that perhaps the doctor is in a duel also the sign says grand central  from this we assume it is in the centre of town..

Thursday 13 September 2012


When a framing it put aroung a character and/or scene .

In this case the frame  seem to be the slot in a prison door guessing on what we can see of the inside wall. i think this is used to show the character are both alone and isolated in also creatws a sense of tension between the 2 character almost as if  the story between the 2 is personal

Reverse Zoom

A reverse zoom is what the name suggest . simple it is were the camera move back or away from the character and/or scene to reveil something else int the shot.

In this scene at first you think the camera is looking at the clouds but as the camera pulls
 out you see it looks like perhaps an explosion. the use of the reverse zoomcatches the audience of guard and creates a sense of danger

Depth of field

Depth of field is the amount of distance between the nearest and farthest objects that appear in acceptably sharp focus in a photograph

In this scene i feel it is used to really home  in the faces of the character in order to show the facial expression and reactions of the Character which seems puzzled



A handheld canera is used to add a real and gritty feel to the scene/series . it can help making them feel part of the scene instead of watching with a sense of  detached and lack of personal interest .

I feel this adds  a grittiness and a sense of unease and despair. The car  ahead looks to have crash this seem to indicate a eerie feel. also the fact there is no movement  near the car would indicate something is wrong  


The shot is between 0.14 and 0.15

a steadicam allows  for smooth and independent filming during a talking and walking scene or simple to follow a character,

Here it is used to the conversation between the two characters.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Crane shot

Basically a crane is a large, heavy piece of equipment but is a useful way of moving the camera.

As the camera move away we see the character is isolate and alone in the middle of the a road. this is an eerie ,  in this scene the camera shot and method highlights the fact the character is alone . you geek that this is the most suitable method to use .

Sunday 9 September 2012

Dolly shot

the shot is at 0.15 secs

  A technique in which the camera moves closer or further from the subject while simultaneously adjusting the zoom angle to keep the subject the same size in the frame.

Here i feel the camrea move to show us what the three characters are looking at while still keeping them in the centre of the shot .the movement is very smooth and controlled which indicates they are in control on the situations and are not panicing

Track shot

it is used at 0.2 secs

a Track shot is often defined more specifically as movement which stays a constant distance from the action, especially side-to-side movement.

In this scene the movement of the camera seems frantic and unsteady in seems to move like some one running perhaps to help someone or trying to get to cover.

Tilt movement

it is used at 0.15 secs

tilt is very similar to pan only it scans a scene vertically instead of horizontial.

Here is give us a idea of the scene as well as the character imporatant to that episode it also would indicate an uncertain of the surrounding prehaps this is some where the doctor does not feel comfortable being there .


the shot is at 1.15 secs

A movement which scans a scene horizontally. which operates as a stationary point as the camera is turned, often to follow a moving object which is kept in the middle of the frame.

in this scene the camera rotates around the character and the background seem blurred out this would indicated the focus is on the character and his expression however little ot no facical expression is displayed prehaps this would indicate tht he is deep in thought

Low angle

the shot is at 0.14 secs

  A low shot is taken with the camera placed in a position below and pointing upward at the subject

In this scene the shot is used to create a very menacing atomsphere and mood is also give and insight to the setting which seems to have a wlid west feel by the way the character are standing facing each other would indicate a duel the again creats a great sense of tension and unease

canted angle

the shot is at 0.07 secs

A canted angle  is a camera shot in which the camera angle is deliberately slanted to one side. This can be used for dramatic effect and helps portray unease, disorientation, frantic or desperate action, intoxication, madness

in this scene i feel it is used to create a sense of painic and desperation . it also express the movement of the dinosaur

High angle

the shot is at 0.23 secs

this type of shot located above the eyeline. With this type of angle, the camera looks down on the subject and the point of focus is often the surrounding  High angle shots also make the figure or object seem vulnerable or powerless in the situation or setting

Two of the women were the same uniform also they both have a another preson handicuffed to them this would indicate the either they are being brought to trails or prehaps even that the are being moved into the prison . the setting is also quite dark and liveless this and a layer of eerieness and unease to the scene.

Over the shoulder shot

the shot is at 0.07 secs

a over the shoulder shot is when two characters are having a discussion and will usually follow another shot type which helps the audience understand the setting.

in this scene we can see the dicussion is taking place in a cell this is also reinforced by the fact one of the character seem to be wearing prison issue clothes . in the shot . he also seems ueast and afraid this would indicate perhaps this is his first time in prison

Point of view shot

the shot is at 0.20 secs

point of veiw shots are genrally used to show the reaction of a character or characters to a situation or event

  the fact in the scene are point of veiw is that of a corpse would indicate prehaps murder it also gives you  the reaction of the character to the body which seems calm and calculated . unusual considering how must people would react to a dead body it set him  apart for them normal person.

Aerial shot

the shot is at 0.27

Aerial shots can often make character seem insignificant due to the fact little detail is provided by the shot . you can assume ot is more to give a perspective of the scene rather than the story.

  in this scene base of the rest of the trailer before it to me it wold indicate the person is running for the police or prehaps just simply trying to out run his problems

Two shot

the shot is at 0.38

A Two shot is used to show display both character on camera at one time to show either a conversation and the actions or the reactions of the one or both of the subjects

In this case I believe it is used  to show the reactions between the character we can also see this is where the meet on 2 of the main characters comes from that of course this is the meeting of sherlock and Watson . this is a important scene for in the show

Friday 7 September 2012

wide shot

 A wide is shot to similarly to the long shot it is more about catching the scene and setting than provide information of the plot or detail of the character

 The dark and run-down warehouse add to the eerie tone of the scene , the fact it is in a warehouse would indicate that the wanted to have this conversation in private at the wide shot helps show this by showing just how isolated they are . the chair also perhaps indicates a sinister look and view to the scene , which seen to be very eerie and and unnerving therefore the wide shot is the best to use as it helps capture the dark feel of the scene and helps create the sense of tension

Thursday 6 September 2012

Mid Shot

 The Mid shot is  at 0.15

A mid shot is very similar to a medium shot , it is a view of a main protagonist/characters it is used to display both facial and body expressions, which can add depth and a feel to the character depending on the stance of the person in this scene

 I feel in this it is  used to introduce the characters to the audience aswell as to introduce the villians . we can see through bot facial and body movement the character seem confused and uncertain of theit surroundins this would indicate they are unfamilar with the setting

long shot

The shot is used at 0.2

  The long shot is used to display the scene and setting it does not necessarily contain a lot of detail of characters and plot as it is used more to give an understanding of where it is happening and not why .

In the scene  I believe it is used to set the scene . straight away we can tell it is set or partily set in a prison . which is generally associate with violence and crime so straight away we assume a more grit and dark feel to the Program

Medium shot

 A medium shot it normally but not always a full-length view of  the character it is used to express both facial and body language , which adds  depth and a feel to the character depending on the stance the person takes.

In this scene however I feel it is used to show the danger the character faces it also . it also show ine character trying to help the other this again helps create a sense of the charater at hand . by the use of the shot we can see one is dresed in armour while the other s more plainly dress this again give an insight in to both the life and the personality of the character

Close up

The close up is at 1.35

  The close up shot is used to display emotion ans the face expression on the character it can also help the audienece see the pain of the person in question .  Close-ups are used for distinguishing main characters. Major characters are often given a close-up when they are introduced as a way of showing their importance to the scene and/or Series

  In this scene i feel the close up is used to show the characters reaction to the situation the fact he smirks is an indicate that he feels comforable in the scene. it also show a smugness to him pehaps to show a detachment from what could be an imporant see for other characters.

Extreme Long Shot

the Extreme shot is used at 0.21 secs.

  An extreme long shot is used to create a sense of the surroundings it does not necessarily contain a lot of detail as it is used more to set the scene than display any information.

   I believe in this clips it is used to show the danger the main protagonists are facing . the fact it is a long shot gives you some idea of the settings which seem runned down and the use of  dark tones help to set the tone of the scene which seem dark and uncertain.
